Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Muhammad Fraz Bashir
Dr. Bashir was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the HeRA Group during 2017-2020. Dr. Bashir is a theoretical plasma physics expert, and his research focus is on the development of theoretical models for plasma waves, data analysis from space missions, as well as 3D global modeling of the Earth’s magnetosphere. His primary goal is to gain a better understanding of the complex electromagnetic phenomena in the Sun-Earth system, and their role in predicting/modeling the space weather events, as well as quantifying particle loss, acceleration, and transport mechanisms.
Dr. Bashir previously worked as Assistant Professor (2014-2017) at COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan after completing his Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from Govt. College University (GCU) Lahore, Pakistan. He worked as Research Officer (2010-2014) in Salam Chair in Physics, GCU Lahore. He has been recently selected as Junior Associate for Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ASICTP), Trieste, Italy. He is also the recipient of the Lloyd Berkner Fellowship from American Geophysical Union and Exchange Ph. D. Canadian Commonwealth Fellowship. Dr. Bashir has been nominated as Chair Elect for Forum for Early Career Scientists and Member-At-Large for Forum For International Physics and Prairie Section of American Physical Society.
Outside science, his other interests include playing and watching soccer. He played professional soccer for about 10 years in Pakistan, and was the captain of the soccer team at school, college and university levels.
Currently, Dr. Bashir holds a Research Faculty position at UCLA.
Graduate Students
Yu Huang
Yu has graduated from ECE Illinois in 2019, with a M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His thesis, titled “ Decision tree application to satellite measurement and analysis of exospheric neutral densities”, explored the role of neutral dynamics in the evolution of ring current and the terrestrial magnetosphere as a whole. Yu is now building a career at Amazon Web Services as a Software Development Engineer, working to help enterprises in accelerating their adoption on cloud computing services.
Huizi Hu
Huizi graduated from ECE Illinois in 2021 with a M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her research involved the development of an interactive 3D data visualization platform for space data applications, using measurements from the Cluster II satellite. Her motivation was to investigate the underlaying properties of space plasmas under various conditions, and to make the 3D data visualization platform accessible to the scientific community. During her last semester at ECE Illinois, Huizi won the Harold L. Olesen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Students for the 2020-2021 academic year. This award is given to recognize an outstanding effort in undergraduate teaching.
Outside of academics, Huizi is passionate about various forms of art, dancing, drawing, and photography, to discover the beauty of people and the world we live in. Currently, Huizi is pursuing a career at Amazon.
Mohamed Benaissa
Mohamed received his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Spring 2022. Prior to UIUC, he studied EE at the University of Texas at Dallas where he first took interest in electromagnetics and related circuit design. Mohamed’s research focused on understanding the neutral-ion dynamics in the near-earth plasma, using the Hot Electron-Ion Drift Integrator (HEIDI) model. He has started a career at Texas Instruments immediately after graduation.
Outside of academics, Mohamed enjoys playing soccer, coaching soccer, and visiting his home country of Algeria.
Chi Zhang
Chi received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2019 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His M.S. degree from ECE Illinois is on the development of the Hot Electron-Ion Drift Integrator (HEIDI) to investigate the effect of plasma composition on the development and decay of near Earth current systems.
Outside of academics, Chi likes running and hiking.
Undergraduate Students
Elizabeth Atkinson
Elizabeth joined the HeRA team as an undergraduate student in Electrical Engineering. Her research focused on using numerical analysis to improve the theoretical understanding of electromagnetic phenomena in the ionosphere. Outside of school, she enjoys running and playing music.
Leihao Chen
Leihao joined the HeRA group in Fall 2018 and worked on the design of algorithms to automate identification of event classes of space weather phenomena.
Yicong Dong
Yicong joined the HeRA group in the Fall 2018 semester, and worked on a research project related to the data visualization. This entailed the development of an algorithm to visualize isosurfaces of certain plasma parameters from a data set based on an unstructured grid.
Isha Garg
Isha joined the HeRA Group as an undergraduate student in Electrical Engineering and she became interested in Professor Ilie’s research when she was taking ECE 329 with her, and reached out to her about possible research opportunities. “I have had a great experience with this group, working with extremely supportive, encouraging and hardworking people and have learnt a lot about Space Physics, a field that I wasn’t much familiar with earlier. Her other interests include Artificial Intelligence and Circuit Analysis.”
Isha is now a graduate student at Columbia University.
Shiru Shong
Shiru joined the HeRA Group as an undergraduate student in Electrical Engineering. Inspired by ECE 329 course, she conducted research on simulations of ionospheric outflows and magnetospheric dynamics. Based on this work, she has been awarded the Indira Gunda Saladi Engineering Research Prize.
Her post-graduate plan includes attending graduate schools as a master student and working in the industry. Outside of school, her other interests include traveling and taking care of her pet fish, soupy.
Vatsala (Richa) Verma
Richa joined the HeRA group in the Spring 2019 semester. She has worked on creating 3D visualizations and extracting information regarding the electromagnetic fields and plasma flows in the Earth’s magnetosphere.
Tianhao Yu
Tianhao joined the HeRA group in the Fall 2018 semester. He has worked on creating high fidelity visualizations of electromagnetic fields and plasma properties in the Earth’s magnetosphere, based on numerical simulations using the SWMF.
Tianhao is currently pursuing a M.S degree at ECE Illinois.